Wednesday, 21 March 2012
PERIOD !!!!!!!!!!
Hi suma ! kmk da paper Bio esok. xda semgat aie mok stdy . hmm . sad bah . nk ngis jk kja nyawa tok. dh laa bio sok. aduhhhh. gne tok???????? ng nyuroh down hal ptg tek ehh . sad laa.. xpenah dga jwpan yg memberik hrpan, mesti yajak jwpan . kepak kmk eh . kepak! smpe ht bia kmk cmtok. smpe ht polah mk cmtok. kejam tauk x. nya x fhm ka pasaan kmk . huhu. mn dpt d buang rsa tok eh , ng dh di buang jaoh2. eeeeeeeeeeeeee. x suka . x suka !!
Wednesday, 7 March 2012
10 Steps to Improving Your Study Skills
Hi all !!!!!!! pagi .. 1st yana on lappy,, yana mesti g blog lu.. bru g fb.. :P .. btw, tgn ni gatal laa nak tlis something ni haa.. haiyaa.. yana nak share smthing.. explore bwah ea..
Improving your study skills can be the great educational equalizer. Effective studying is the one element guaranteed to produce good grades in school. But it is ironic that students are almost never taught how to study - effectively - in school.
Improving your study skills can be the great educational equalizer. Effective studying is the one element guaranteed to produce good grades in school. But it is ironic that students are almost never taught how to study - effectively - in school.
Example: An important part of
studying is note-taking, yet few students receive any instruction in this
skill. At best, you are told simply, "You had better take notes," but
not given any advice on what to record or how to use the material as a learning
Fortunately, reliable data on how to
study does exist. It has been scientifically demonstrated that one method of
note-taking is better than another and that there are routes to more effective
reviewing, memorizing and textbook reading as well. The following are 10 proven
steps you can take to improve your study habits. I guarantee that if you really
use them, your grades will improve.
Behavior modification can work for you.
Use the association learning
concept. Attempt, as nearly as possible, to study the same subject at the same
time in the same place each day. You will find that, after a very short while,
when you get to that time and place, you are automatically in the subject
Train your brain to think math on a
time-place cue, and it will no longer take you 10 minutes a day to get in the
math mood. Not only will you save the time and emotional energy you once needed
to psych yourself up to do math, or whatever else, it will also help you
remember more of what you are studying.
After studying, reinforce yourself
by doing something want to do (watch television, go to a party). Experts know
that positive reinforcement of a behavior (such as studying) will increase its
frequency and duration.
Do not study more than an hour at a time without taking a break.
In fact, if you are doing straight
memorization, do not spend more than 20 to 30 minutes at a time. Here is the
rationale behind taking such small bites out of study time.
First, when you are under an imposed
time restriction, you use the time more efficiently. Have you noticed how much
studying you manage to cram into the day before big exams? That is why it is
called "cramming."
Second, psychologists say that you
learn best in short takes. In fact, studies have shown that as much is learned
in four one- hour sessions distributed over four days as in one marathon six-
hour session during one day. That is because, between study times, while you
are sleeping or eating or reading a novel, your mind subconsciously works on
absorbing what you have learned. So it counts as study time, too.
Keep in mind when you are
memorizing, whether it is math formulas or a foreign language or names and
dates, that you are doing much more real learning more quickly than when you
are reading a social studies text or an English essay.
The specialists say you will get
your most effective studying done if you take a 10-minute break every hour. In
fact, some good students study 45 minutes to an hour, and they take a five- to
10-minute break. The break is considered your reward and improves your learning
over the next hour.
Dr. Walter Pauk, former Director of
the Reading and Study Center at Cornell University, suggests you take that
short break whenever you feel you need one. That way, you will not waste your
time away by clock-watching and anticipating your break.
Another technique for keeping your
mind from wandering while studying is to begin with your hardest or least
favorite subject and work toward the easiest and/or the one you like best.
Thus, your reward for studying the least favorite or hardest is studying the
subject you like best. Try it; it works.
Separate the study of subjects that are alike.
Brain waves are like radio waves. If
there is not enough space between input, you get interference. The more similar
the kinds of learning taking place, the more interference. So, separate your
study periods for courses with similar subject matter. Follow your studying of
math with an hour of Spanish or history, not chemistry or statistics.
Do not study when you are tired.
Psychologists have found that
everyone has a certain time of day when he or she gets sleepy. Do not try to
study during that time (but do not go to sleep either - it hardly ever
refreshes). Instead, schedule some physical activity for that period, such as
recreation. If you have a stack of schoolwork, use that time to sort your notes
or clear up your desk and get your books together or study with a friend.
Prepare for your class at the best time.
If it is a lecture course, do your
studying soon after class; if it is a course in which students are called on to
recite or answer questions, study before class. After the lecture, you can
review and organize your notes. Before the recitation classes, you can spend your
time memorizing, brushing up on your facts and preparing questions about the
previous recitation. Question-posing is a good technique for helping the
material sink in and for pinpointing areas in which you need more work.
Use the best note-taking system for you.
Quite a bit of research has been
done on note-taking, and one system has emerged as the best. Use
81/2-by-11-inch loose-leaf paper and write on just one side. (This may seem
wasteful, but it is one time when economizing is secondary.) Take the time to
rule your page as follows:
- If the course is one in which lecture and text are
closely related, use the 2-3-3-2 technique: Make columns of two inches
down the left-hand side for recall clues, three inches in the middle for
lecture notes and three inches on the right side for text notes. Leave a
two-inch space across the bottom of the page for your own observations and
conclusions. See Figure 20 (Three-Column Note-Taking System).
- If it is a course where the lectures and the reading
are not closely related, use separate pages for class notes and reading
notes, following the 2-5-1 technique: Two inches at left for recall clues,
five in the middle for lecture notes and an inch at the right for
observations and conclusions. (After a while, you will not need to draw
actual lines.)
You have most likely taken your
lecture notes in the form that evolved during your years of schooling. You have
also probably evolved your own shorthand system, such as using a "g"
for all "-ing" endings, an ampersand (&) for "and," and
abbreviations for many words (e.g., govt. for government and evaptn. for
The recall clue column is the key to
higher marks. As soon as possible after you have written your notes, take the
time to read them over - not studying them, just reading them. Check right
away, while it is all still fresh, to see whether you have left out anything
important or put down anything incorrectly, and make changes.
After reviewing what you have
written, set down recall clue words to the topics in your notes. These clue
words should not repeat information but should designate or label the kind of
information that is in your notes. They are the kind of clues you would put on
"crib sheets."
Example: To remember the information contained so far in this section
on note-taking, you need just the following clues: 8 1/2-by-11, loose-leaf, one
side: 2-3-3-2 or 2-5-1. As you can see, they are simply memory cues to use
later on in your actual studying.
Dr. Robert A. Palmatier, Assistant
Professor of Reading Education at the University of Georgia, suggests that you
study for tests in the following manner:
- Take out your loose leaf pages and shift them around so
the order makes the most sense for studying.
- Choose the first page and cover up the notes portion,
leaving visible just the clues. See if you can recall the notes that go
with the clues. As you get a page right, set it aside.
- If you are going to be taking a short-answer test,
shuffle your note pages so that they are out of order. (That is why it is
important to use just one side of the paper.) "This approach provides
for learning without the support of logical sequence," Dr. Palmatier
says, "thus, closely approximating the actual pattern in which the
information must be recalled.'
- If you are going to be taking an essay test, you can
safely predict that "those areas on which the most notes are taken
will most often be the areas on which essay questions will be based."
The beauty of the "recall clue
word" note-taking method is that it provides a painless way to do the one
thing proved to help you remember what you have learned - actively thinking
about the notes and making logical sense of them in your mind. If, instead, you
just keep going over your recorded notes, not only will you get bored, but you
will be trying to memorize in the worst way possible.
Memorize actively, not passively.
Researchers have found that the
worst way to memorize -- the way that takes the most time and results in the
least retention -- is to simply read something over and over again. If that is
the way you memorize, forget it. Instead, use as many of your senses as
- Try to visualize in concrete terms, to get a
picture in your head. In addition to sight use sound: Say the words out
loud and listen to yourself saying them.
- Use association: Relate the fact to be learned to
something personally significant or find a logical tie-in.
Examples: When memorizing dates, relate them to important events,
the dates of which you already know. Use mnemonics: For example, the phrase
"Every good boy does fine,", is used for remembering the names of the
musical notes on the lines of the treble clef. Use acronyms, like OK4R, which
is the key to remembering the steps in the reading method outlined in number 8,
Read and study at the same time.
It really takes less time in the
long run! Read with a purpose. Instead of just starting at the beginning and
reading through to the end, you will complete the assignment much faster and
remember much more if you first take the time to follow the OK4R method devised
by Dr. Walter Pauk:
- Overview
- Read the title, the introductory and summarizing paragraphs and all the
headings included in the reading material. Then you will have a general
idea of what topics will be discussed.
- K - Key Ideas
- Go back and skim the text for the key ideas (usually found in the first
sentence of each paragraph). Also read the italics and bold type, bulleted
sections, itemizations, pictures and tables.
- R1- Read
-your assignment from beginning to end. You will able to do it quickly,
because you already know where the author is going and what he/she is
trying to prove.
- R2 - Recall
- Put aside the text and say or write, in a few key words or sentences,
the major points of what you have read. It has been proven that most
forgetting takes place immediately after initial learning. Dr. Pauk says,
"One minute spent in immediate recall nearly doubles retention of
that piece of data!"
- R3 - Reflect
- The previous step helps to fix the material in your mind. To cement it
there forever, relate it to other knowledge; find relationships and
significance for what you have read.
- R4 - Review
- This step does not take place right away. It should be done for the next
short quiz, and then again for later tests throughout the term. Several
reviews will make that knowledge indelibly yours.
Make up a color and sign system for text and notes.
For your text, Dr. Palmatier
- Red for main ideas
- Blue for dates and numbers
- Yellow for supporting facts.
- Circles, boxes, stars and checks in the margins can
also be utilized to make reviewing easy.
- Make your own glossary of the words and concepts you do
not know.
In your notebook, underline, star or
otherwise mark the ideas which your teacher tells you are important: thoughts
to which you are told you will be coming back later, items which you are warned
to be common mistakes. Watch for the words - such as therefore and in essence
- which tell you what is being summarized. Always record examples. In fact, in
such subjects as math, your notes should consist
mainly of your teacher's examples.
mainly of your teacher's examples.
Pay close attention in your
note-taking until the last minute of class time. Often, a teacher gets
sidetracked and runs out of time. He/she may jam up to a half-hour's content
into the last five or 10 minutes of a lecture. Get down that packed-few
minutes' worth. If necessary, stay on after class to get it all down.
Do not buy underlined textbooks.
Of course, if the book does not
belong to you, you will not be underlining at all. But if you underline, do it
sparingly. The best underlining is not as productive as the worst note-taking.
Over-underlining is a common fault
of students; only the key words in a paragraph should be underlined. It should
be done in ink or felt-tip highlighter, and it should be done only after you
have finished the "OK" part of your OK4R reading.
If you are buying your books
secondhand, never buy one that has already been underlined. You may tend to
rely on it, and you have no idea whether the hand that helped the pencil got an
"A" or a " F" in the course! If, due to availability or
finances, you have to buy an underlined textbook, mark it in a different color.
Research has proven that it is not
how much time you study that counts but how well you study during that time. In
fact, in at least one survey, students who studied more than 35 hours a week
came out with poorer grades than those who studied less.
Remember: Use your study time wisely, and you too will come out
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
sape ckp pompuan bertdung x leh fashion :)
Hye !! :) yana tension laa study .. take 10 jap ye :P (ye ke take 10) .. Ni laa yana x nak ni,, kalo dah depan blog,,, cepat je tgan ni tekan kaybord ye.. hehe.. xpe.. bkn slalu kan.. haa ! yana nak kongsi something ni.. Hari tu coursemate yana de share something.. ni laa nak share kt korang.. kwn yana ni tahu yana mmg LOVE sgt2 kt PHOTOGHPHER n dia pn tau yana PHOGNIC org nye .. hahahahaa.. *eee yeke* ,, alaa.. jum explore kt bawah tu pic gurl tu.. x salah yana, gurl tu fashion designer.. now dia cntnue her stdies kat timur tgah x salah yana.. :) jummm.. jummm.. :) check n out!!! :P
Cantik kan.. HUHUHU.. :) de lagi.. bawah sikit ?? ..
LOOK !!!!! awesome sgt2 .. huhu
Perghhhhhh ! :P
Sweet kan .. hehehe..
:) speechless yana tgok!
tips exams .. :)
HI SEMUA !!! :) senyum sikit .. haa ! hehe.. COMEL ! .. alaa,, x nak laa tension2 .. tau laa final dah dekat.. yana nak share something laa ye.. nak dapat result KAWWW KAWW kan.. hehe.. jumm apply kan nye ..
Studying for Exams
What to know before you start to
- What type of test is it?
- Objective - multiple choice, true/false, matching or a
- Essay - short or long answer, or sentence completion.
- Problem solving.
- Combination of the above.
- What material is to be covered?
- How many questions (approximately)?
- What is the time limit?
If the information above is not
given by the instructor when he/she announces the test, ASK. This information
is valuable to the way you study. Also, ask the instructor for old exams you
can use for your review.
- Be sure you have read all the material to be covered
and all the lecture notes before you begin your serious studying.
- Plan what you will study and when you will study it.
- Each review session should be limited to one hour. Take
breaks of five to 10 minutes between hourly sessions.
- Try to predict exam questions. If it will be essay, try
to answer your predicted questions.
- Study in a group only if everyone has read the
material. You do not gain much when you must "tutor" someone
else or if other students are not prepared.
- Prepare summary sheets to study and eliminate rereading
the textbook.
- Review for objective tests by concentrating on detail
and memorizing facts, such as names, dates, formulas and definitions (know
a little bit about a lot).
- Review for essay tests by concentrating on concepts,
principles, theories and relationships (know a lot about a little bit).
- For problem-solving tests, work examples of each type
of problem. Work them from memory until you get stuck. Study your guide
problem and begin working it again from memory, from the beginning. Do
this until you can work the entire problem without referring to your
- On the day of the test, do not learn any new materials.
It can interfere with the knowledge you have already learned.
- Try not to discuss the test with other students while
you are waiting to begin. If you have studied, you do not need to be
flustered by others making confusing remarks.
- Try to consciously make yourself relax before the test
- After the test is over, forget it! Do not discuss it
and do not look for answers you might have missed. Concentrate on your
next exam.
- Keep in good physical condition by not ignoring food and/or sleep requirements.
Ni yana copy paste dri the best je :) yana rse berguna kot for kekwn yana kt lua tu.. alaa.. kt pakcik makcik pn bgune gak .. kan kan.. :) btw,, GOOD LUCK ye.. jgn lupa PARENTS ye.. before exam tu,, call laa diaorg,, suroh diaorg bc doa utk korang.. kalo yana,, yana paksa mak yana bc msa yana kol tu.. hehhee... kdg2 tu kan,, rse nak balik swak je dgar dia doa utk anak dia.. hahaha.. nk hug makkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!! eee.. ok dh2.. melelat pulak yana ni nanti.. btw.. stdy tau.. k bye .. salam kasih salam syg dri yana :) byee!!!
Sunday, 12 February 2012
Friends' Secrets
It is rightly said that one can share any secret with a true friend. He may know your deepest fears and weaknesses and yet will never take advantage of you. However, keeping a friend's secrets to you and not telling the world about is what makes the bond grow strong and last forever. You need to develop a trust and mutual understanding before you start sharing secrets with each other. With friends, secret talks never seem to end and it can get really amusing to know what has been going on in your friend's mind.
There is a phase in life especially from the teenage when one starts having a personal periphery in life and parents are excluded from it. It is because there are certain things that they can't understand and there are certain issues which we can't discuss with them. It is then when the friends become the best secret sharers. They are they one where one confides one's feeling and best kept secrets. It is done with a trust that the friend who is confided into would never a breach your trust.
It is a general notion that only girls share secrets. But boys have their own secrets that they discuss with only closest of pals. The secret talks can range from crushes, relationships, talks regarding fights with parents, secret missions, hideouts and anything that is not supposed to be known to others! If you think secrets are limited to only teenagers, get your facts right! Secrets can be shared at any age and there is absolutely no such hard and fast rule that secrets are shared only among youngsters.
Sharing secrets with a friend is not just fun, but it also helps to develop a lasting trust on one another. Sometimes, sharing secrets will tell you more about the person. You will come to know whether your friend is reliable and trustworthy and whether it is worth sharing your secrets with them. You can call it a test of friendship and if a person passes it, they are definitely not worth being made a trustworthy friend.
Tips Of Sharing Secrets
- Do not blabber all your secrets at a go; first of all test your friend on the friendship litmus.
- Do not ever reveal secrets which may be hurting for your friend, this at times sours a relationship.
- If your friend shares a secret with you, do not even other get a hint of it, forget about blabbering it out.
- Learn to respect privacy, even if you have known some secret of your friend through other sources, do not inquire him/her.
- Never try to force your friends to tell you something. If they will feel like, they will certainly share their feelings with you.
- Even if at some point of time your friendship sours, learn to respect secrets that your friend once shared with you. This shows how trustworthy you are as a person.
Friendships Day :)
Friendship Day is celebrated every year, on the first Sunday of August. In 2012, it will be celebrated on 5th August. The day for the occasion was declared by the US congress in 1935. The occasion began as a small event, to commemorate the relation shared by friends. Today, it has taken the shape of a grand festival. Gone are the days, when holidays such as Friendship Day were confined to the westerners. Today, since the world has turned into a global village, people in the rest of the world have adopted the festival wholeheartedly and celebrate it with great enthusiasm, just like any other occasion. They can easily relate them to the festival, because no one can merely survive without having at least a true friend in his/her life.
The idea of honoring friendship has been appreciated by people in many countries of the world. Over the passing years, the festivities related to Friendship Day have become even more colorful. The exchange of gifts, flowers, friendship bands and greeting cards has become an important part, rather, a tradition of Friendship Day. The festival has proved to be a boon for the retailers of gift and card galleries, because they cash in a lot of money on the occasion. Apart from the exchange of gifts, partying all through the night is one of the recent developments of Friendship Day. The trend of partying is seen largely among the youngsters. In the present time, get-together and reunions have taken the shape of parties.
With the advancement in the field of science and technology, connecting to friends on the wonderful occasion of Friendship Day has become easier. Today, friends living in two corners of the world are just a mouse click away from each other. Internet, the largest virtual information bank on earth, has influenced the life of netizens in many ways. The most popular methods to convey wishes to friends, on the festival, are web cam chatting and sending e-cards. In addition to this, chatting service has provided the opportunity for people to develop virtual friendships as well.
Another development in information technology is sending SMS text messages to convey wishes to loved ones on ceremonious occasions like Friendship Day. Now, sending wishes is not just limited to greeting cards, letters or e-mailing. You can stay in touch with your long lost friends, by sending timely wishes to them, via SMS, on every occasion, including Friendship Day. Apart from being easy and fast, the service has proven a hit among the youngsters. This has paved the way for the creation of interesting, emotional, inspirational and funny messages based on Friendship Day, which are exchanged every year, by people across the world. Hence, it can be said that Friendship Day is commercially significant and socially a hit amongst people of all ages.Friendship of the date :
Year | Date |
2012 | August 5 |
2013 | August 4 |
2014 | August 3 |
2015 | August 2 |
2016 | August 7 |
2017 | August 6 |
2018 | August 5 |
2019 | August 4 |
2020 | August 2 |
special CARD for your best friends :)
Friendship is the most beautiful
relationship on this world is the gift our friends present us. So , all the stops with our friendship day greetings collection & let
your friends know they are truly appreciated. Here is the special
collection of friendship day greeting cards.
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